Radnička 8, 52 100 Pula

Ured Pula

Istarska Landkreis

Visit the Palace Real Estate d.o.o. agency in their Pula office, meet the agents, and check out our offer.

  • 8.57%Haus
  • 25.71%Wohnung
  • 45.71%Grundstück


Pula is located in the southwestern part of the Istrian peninsula, along the coast of the Adriatic Sea and has over 3000 years of history.

Known for its rich history dating back to the time of the Roman Empire, it is most recognizable for the Arena, a Roman amphitheater - one of the best-preserved in the world.

Other notable sites include the Temple of Augustus, the Arch of the Sergi, and the Forum.

The city is an important tourist center, attracting visitors with its monuments, beautiful beaches, and proximity to the Brijuni National Park. Pula is also the largest city in Istria and an important economic, cultural, and transportation hub in the region.


Pula je smještena na jugozapadnom dijelu istarskog poluotoka, uz obalu Jadranskog mora i broji preko 3000 godina.

Poznata po bogatoj povijesti koja seže u doba Rimskog Carstva, ipak je najprepoznatljivija po Areni, odnosno rimskom amfiteatru - jedan od najbolje očuvanih na svijetu.

Tu se još ističu Augustov hram, Slavoluk Sergijevaca i Forum.

Grad je važno turističko središte i privlači posjetitelje svojim spomenicima, prekrasnin plažama i blizinom nacionalnog parka Brijuni. Pula je ujedno najveći grad Istre i važno gospodarsko, kulturno i prometno središte regije.

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